Write for us

Got an idea for a blog post that you'd like to contact us about? Use the form below, but please read the following first.

How To Submit A Guest Post

Please submit your ideas, not completed articles, using the form below.

WARNING: Due to the volume of SPAM received please note guest post submissions will only be considered via this form, i.e. emails to our central email address or using any other form mentioning guest posts will be ignored.

Read These Guidelines

If your article meets the contribution guidelines below, we will get back to you.
Please also include at least three (3) other places you have guest posted for us to review.

What Are We Looking For?

At Matter, we want to provide meaningful and informative content for our readers with a focus on:

  • Business Coaching
  • Business Leadership
  • Small Business Issues in Australia
  • Business Coaching Success Stories that go with profiles of Business Coaches especially welcome.

We do welcome articles in other fields, however they should be business coaching related.

Contribution Guidelines

  • Articles should be at least 900 words.
  • All articles must be original content and can not be published on other websites or blogs. If your article is published elsewhere, we will not publish it, so please do not submit work that is not original or already published. We use tools to check for duplicate content – so don’t even bother submitting content which is scraped, plagiarized and not original.
  • Articles must be relevant to our business and be interesting. We want to provide information that people will find interesting and learn. Think about what has already been discussed, and think about how your article can add to that. Make sure your article is an in depth discussion and analysis of your topic.
  • If you are writing from an SEO standpoint, please write the content naturally. If it doesn’t read well we will either edit the content or not approve it.
  • Please make sure your articles are free of spelling, punctuation and grammar errors. We suggest using tools such as Grammarly before submitting articles.
  • All links in the body of the text will be no follow. We will provide a link to your website page in the bio section at the end of the article.
  • Sharing of articles via your social media channels is highly encouraged, and we will do the same to increase the visibility of your articles.
  • We will not accept articles that are used solely for the purpose of link building. All content must be unique and provide value. This includes promoting yourself too much, save that for the bio.

Media and Photos

  • Please optimise your post using image(s) and submit these with your article.
  • Hero images will need to be a minimum of 1280 x 320 px. A hero image is required for every article.
  • If you want us to share you article social media we will need a Facebook image 470 x 470 px and an image for Twitter 1024 x 52 px
  • We try to keep some consistency in the style of the hero images – please use photography instead of illustrations or graphics.
  • Any images that will go into the content area will have to have a minimum width of 800px to fit.
  • All images supplied must not be under any copyright and by supplying the images to us you are giving us authority to use the photos on our website and social media


  • We will include a brief bio and headshot (up to 50 words) at the end of every article.
  • If you would like us to link to your social media accounts, let us know.

Writing Style

  • Write naturally.
  • Titles, headers, and sub-headings should engage the audience.
  • Write in a professional and friendly tone. We want our readers to get something out of every article.
  • Articles should be written in the third person.

Article Revisions

The webmaster reserves the right to make revisions to your article. If your article does not meet the guidelines above, your article may be rejected. The webmaster reserves the right to add in call to actions at the end of the article where relevant. This article will become the property of Matter Solutions Pty Ltd if it is accepted as a guest post on this blog. To maximise the probability that your article will be published, please make sure that you have:

  • Met the guidelines above for submitting an article.
  • Are able to submit a completely original piece of content.
  • Make sure the information is correct and accurate.
  • Is grammatically correct, and has minimal to no errors.

To get the ball rolling submit your initial ideas using this form.

Brisbane Business Coaching is a Matter Solutions website
Level 6, 200 Adelaide Street, Brisbane 4000, QLD
Contact Us
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